The Unbroken Christian

The Unbroken Christian January 31, 2021

Jesus talked a lot about losing, taking up our cross, denying ourselves, and laying down our lives.

These are the fruits of brokenness before God.

It’s not hard to spot a Christian in ministry who isn’t broken. Unbroken people don’t know how to lay their lives down and lose. They only know how to try to win.

If they’re criticized, they retaliate.

If they’re attacked, they return fire. If misunderstood, they defend in anger.

They are capable of doing all sorts of damage to others in order to save their own ministries and keep their reputations.

On the contrary, people who have been broken by the hand of God know how to turn the other cheek. They know how to go the second mile. They know how to give their coats when asked for their shirts. They know how to speak well of those who misrepresent them. They know how to return good for evil.

They know how to lose.

And in so doing, they exhibit the Spirit of the Lamb and allow God to win.

In the words of E. Stanley Jones, “The God I find in Christ is a God who overcomes evil with good, hate by love, and the world by a cross.”

Again, it is through the wounding and the breaking we experience that the life of Christ can be released through us.

And that is where the secret of fruit bearing lies.

Adapted from God’s Favorite Place on Earth.

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