The Doctor Suggested Terminating their Pregnancy, but the Parents Said No: Here’s What Happened

The Doctor Suggested Terminating their Pregnancy, but the Parents Said No: Here’s What Happened February 2, 2015

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Bryan and Robyn Adams were ready for a family, but they ran into complications. After several miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy, Robyn eventually got pregnant.  This time? Twins.

Twenty-three weeks into their pregnancy, however, she started having pain.  The doctors gave her medicine to stop her labor, but then explained that it might be better to terminate the pregnancies to let the woman’s body heal and try again later.

“For us, we held on hope, and we believe God has a purpose for every life,” Bryan said.  “It was our only option.”

Eventually, Robyn underwent an emergency c-section and gave birth to two little boys.

Sadly, the first baby only lived for 45 minutes.  The second survived, even though he only had a 3% chance of living.

Their son is yet another example of a strong, healthy kid whom doctors were willing to write off.  According to The Village Church, “Bryan and Robyn say that in everything that was taken from them, God had so much more to give.”

Watch their challenging and touching story about God’s sovereignty and mercy.

Adams Testimony – Sanctity of Life from The Village Church on Vimeo.

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