Experts Fear Riots: Hollywood Star Mocks Koran by Reading it in a Porn Voice

Experts Fear Riots: Hollywood Star Mocks Koran by Reading it in a Porn Voice October 30, 2015

In a shocking show of disrespect, Hollywood starlet Scarlett Johansson read the Koran in what has been described as an “erotic, pornographic” tone.  The mockery happened on an upcoming comedy album called “Sexy Koran,” in which the listeners feign arousal by the ancient words.

Experts fear that the following could occur:

1. Riots in the street

2.  Beheadings

3.  Embassy stormings.

Oh wait.  What was that you say?  She didn’t read the Koran, she read Deuteronomy in a porn voice?  Like, just the plain ole Bible?

Allow me to revise.

Experts do not fear Presbyterian rioting nor Baptist bloodshed.  In fact, when I asked them about it, they yawned… explaining they have a special term for Hollywood making fun of Christianity.

They call it “Tuesday.”

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