Bobby Jindal for Vice President?

Bobby Jindal for Vice President? May 23, 2008

I am greatly encouraged that John McCain has invited Bobby Jindal to his Memorial Day cookout and vice-presidential talent show.

The former Louisiana congressman and currently governor of that state has been hailed as among the best and the brightest of a new generation of conservative politicians. The son of immigrants from India, Jindal is a convert to Christianity (of the Roman Catholic variety) who describes himself as “100%” pro-life. Those in the know describe him as brilliant and effective. He is also a great campaigner, re-elected to Congress with 88% of the vote and taking the governorship away from the notorious Louisiana Democratic machine. Rush Limbaugh has gone so far as to hail him as “the next Ronald Reagan.”

If McCain were to pick Jindal, it would put another “person of color” on the ballot. The only strike against him would be his youth (he is only 36) and inexperience (he has only been governor for a few months, though he has served two terms in the House and has worked with other government agencies). Still, he is more experienced than Barack Obama!

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