What do you do when you don’t have to do anything? (#5)

What do you do when you don’t have to do anything? (#5) January 16, 2009

More from St. Athanasius Lutheran Church: Baptism of our Lord Sermon by Rev. James Douthwaite:

And not just any ol’ life do we now live, but as St. Paul said, a new life. His life. A Christ life. Not because we have to, but because what do you do when you don’t have to do anything? For, child of God, you do not have to do anything! You are forgiven. Your salvation is secure. Jesus’ death and resurrection is your death and resurrection, and there nothing you can add to that! Nothing.

So what do you do when you don’t have to do anything? You don’t do nothing – you live the Christ life. For that is who you are. Confessing your sins and receiving your Saviour’s forgiveness. Eating not locusts and wild honey, but the true body and blood of your Saviour, given and shed for you. And living for others as Christ lived for you. Such an honor we do not deserve. But what a privilege has been given to us. To serve, to speak, to live as the new creation that you are as a baptized child of God.

Perhaps others will think you crazy. No matter. Your Father is delighted, for [baptized into Christ] you are His beloved son, and with you He is well-pleased.

"Welllll....there is an "M"...and an "E", in moderate."

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