
Taizé June 23, 2011

Steve Schwolert asked me, “What do you know about Taizé?”  Not much, I said.  I know that it is a religious monastic-kind of community in Europe.  I know that they have liturgical music that is kind of modern and folky, but quite reverent and liturgical-sounding.  The Lutheran Service Book includes a couple Taizé songs (pp. 638 and 780).  Lots of “pilgrims” go there, including, as Steve noted, a lot of evangelicals.  I had assumed that the community is Roman Catholic.  The website makes a big deal about the pope, and those who make a “lifetime commitment” to the order must take a vow of celibacy. But the Wikipedia article says that its founder was a Protestant! The community is, in fact, “ecumenical”! Catholics and Protestants together, according to Steve sharing Communion and dispensing with specific theology. But they find their unity in liturgical worship and monastic community.  What do you make of that?  Do any of you have any experience with this group or know anyone who has?



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