C. S. Lewis calendar

C. S. Lewis calendar October 23, 2013

My friend and former colleague Joel Heck has been doing some exhaustive research on the life of C. S. Lewis.  He has put together a detailed chronology that you can see on his website.  On the basis of that work, Joel has prepared a C. S. Lewis calendar.  It isn’t tied to a particular year, so it can be used year after year, showing what the great Christian apologist, literary scholar, and fantasy writer was doing on any particular day.  After the jump, details about how to get one of these calendars.From Joel Heck:

Need a Christmas gift for a C. S. Lewis fan? Purchase that gift for yourself or someone else and learn about the life of C. S. Lewis by following Lewis day-by-day through the calendar year. This calendar lists important dates in the lives of C. S. Lewis (the 75th anniversary of the publication of Out of the Silent Planet just happened in September) and his brother Warren for each day of the year, including all major publications, life events (his conversion to theism and Christianity, his marriage to Joy Davidman, his election to professorships at Oxford University and Cambridge University, etc.), and honors he received during his career. Because it is not tied to one specific year, the calendar can be used over and over again. The calendar includes a beautiful color photograph for each week of the year. Lay the calendar flat on your desk or prop it up in tent format.

The calendar is based on the extensive 550+-page chronology of the life of the Lewis brothers that has been produced by Joel Heck and is available at his website, www.joelheck.com. Or order the calendar directly for just $15.00 plus $3 postage and packaging from Dr. Joel Heck, Concordia University Texas, 11400 Concordia University Drive, Austin, Texas 78758. Make out your check to “Concordia University Press.”

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