Faith & feelings

Faith & feelings November 11, 2013

Are your emotions often out of synch with your faith?  Does God feel far away?  Do your dry feelings make you wonder  if you even have genuine faith?  Are you plagued with lingering guilt, dark thoughts, and spiritual depression?  Maybe you need to hear this presentation from Rod Rosenbladt.

The audio and the lecture notes are available free from New Reformation Press.  A summary after the jump.

via New Reformation Press The Dark Night Of The Soul, Protestant Style » New Reformation Press:

In this lecture given at Faith Lutheran Church on November 1, 2013 during their monthly event, Men’s Movie Night, Dr. Rosenbladt tackled the emotional struggles the Christian believer experiences in his faith.

What is the condition of my faith when I am not feeling particularly faithful – or not feeling faithful at all? Some days I feel really solid, but others I just don’t feel like I can believe I’m saved at all. I never seem to stop sinning, no matter how strong my faith feels! What then? What is the status of my salvation at these times? Am I completely lost? I’m so tired of trying to get back to feeling solid in my faith again and living the way Scripture says I should and failing over and over, I just don’t know if I can do it anymore.

Or maybe there is something greater about the Christian faith than our day-to-day feelings? Once again, the answer can seem so simple that it’s almost unbelievable. Almost. It can’t be that simple. Or can it?

One of the great blessings of having faith in a God Who never changes is that His Word never changes either. Let Dr. Rosenbladt return you to that unchanging Word from the Lutheran perspective and take comfort as he helps us re-focus on that unchanging Object of our Christian faith that is Christ.

You can hear, read, and download the presentation here.

I suspect most, if not all Christians, have struggled with this at some time or another.  Do any of you have other helpful words on this topic?

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