Discovering the novel “The Hammer of God”

Discovering the novel “The Hammer of God” February 20, 2014

Tullian Tchividjian tells about discovering–along with some other evangelicals–the great Lutheran novel The Hammer of God.From Now I See That Which Is Done – Tullian Tchividjian:

In my interview last week with my friend Rev. Dr. Matthew R. Richard, I mentioned that one of the books I have read and re-read many times in the past few years–a book that has had a profound influence on me–is Bo Giertz’s (1905-1988) fictional work The Hammer of God. Giertz was a Lutheran theologian, novelist and bishop of the Gothenburg Lutheran Diocese from 1949 to 1970. A relatively unknown book in Evangelical circles, Leland Ryken–longtime literature professor at Wheaton College–referred to The Hammer of God as “one of the best literary finds I have ever made.” I couldn’t agree more!

After sitting on my shelf uncracked for far too long, I finally decided a few summers ago to read The Hammer of God (first published in 1941). I first heard about it from my friends Elyse Fitzpatrick and Mike Horton. I couldn’t put it down. It was simply breathtaking. It tells three stories (novellas) of three different pastors who learn in three different ways the nature and necessity of relying on God’s grace. It is law/gospel theology in captivating narrative form. You have to read it.

[Keep reading. . .]

HT:  Rod Rosenbladt


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