Corporate America’s alliance with cultural left

Corporate America’s alliance with cultural left May 7, 2015

Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal says that corporate America is foolish to ally with leftists in opposing religious liberty in the name of gay marriage:

Referring to the recent events surrounding Indiana’s Religious Liberty Restoration Act, Jindal said corporate America teamed up with the radical left “to come after our religious liberty rights.” Jindal warned, “Corporate America needs to be careful because the same radical left that doesn’t want us to have religious liberty rights does not want us to have economic liberty rights. The same radical left that doesn’t want us to have religious liberty rights wants to tax and regulate these companies out of existence. They think profit is a dirty word.”

More from Jindal’s speech after the jump.  So why do you think the big corporations have joined  the pro-gay cause?

From Jindal to Corporations: Partnering With Left Will Backfire | PJ Tatler:

An impassioned Jindal acknowledged that activists and corporate interests were successful in bullying Indiana leaders, “But I’ve got news for them,” he said. “We’ve got legislation in Louisiana. We’ve already got a Religious Freedom Act. We’ve got legislation this session to protect people of faith and of conscience who hold the traditional view of marriage and they might as well save their breath because corporate America is not going to bully the governor of Louisiana when it comes to religious liberty.” The crowd at the conservative event erupted in applause.

“They need to understand there is no freedom of speech or freedom of association without religious liberty,” Jindal continued.” He said he believes it is possible to both have religious liberty and end discrimination but it’s important to understand that “religious liberty means being able to live our lives, 24-hours a day, 7 days a week according to our faith, according to our conscience, according to our beliefs.”

Gov. Jindal was addressing the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition.


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