What a week

What a week June 29, 2015

Last week the Pope ruled in favor of environmentalism.  The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Obamacare.  And then the Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay marriage.  Bad week for conservatives.

Some would add the public’s sudden revulsion to all things Confederate–not just the flag, but memorials, things named after southern soldiers, and other historical reminders of the losing side of the Civil War.  (Maybe we should just expel the southern states from the union.)  I don’t think there is anything conservative about slavery or racism, so some of this may be a healthy corrective, but I’m struck by the extent of the reaction and, above all, how fast it happened.  How fast all of this has happened.

Also, President Obama got his mojo back, with a moving eulogy at the funeral of the victims of that racist shooting at a black church, culminating with his singing “Amazing Grace.”

In other political news, Bernie Sanders, an avowed socialist, is giving Hillary Clinton, a mere liberal, a run for her money in polls of Democrats.

In the rest of the world, a global terrorist attack killed 37.  Greece is in a state of economic free fall, still demanding that Europe bail it out, likely spelling the end of its membership in the eurozone and the European union.  Russia wants to help.

What a week.  And now we have another week.  Today we consider, how should Christians and conservatives respond?

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