Help me live blog the Republican debate

Help me live blog the Republican debate August 6, 2015

Let’s live blog the Republican presidential primary debate tonight, beginning at 9:00 p.m. ET.  Tune in, with your laptop ready.  Come to this post and set the comments to “sort by oldest,” so that we can have a running commentary.  I’ll be commenting on the unfolding spectacle, and you comment too.  Your remarks can be humorous, observational, insightful, adversarial, judgmental, or whatever.  We can also hit “reply” to each other, setting up discussions about what we are witnessing.

If you don’t want to make comments, come here anyway, refreshing your computer as you watch, so that you can add to the enjoyment (?) of the debate the perhaps greater enjoyment of reading the commentary on the debate as it unfolds.

I will need your help, though.  I will be working under some technical difficulties.  Namely, I am at a place where I don’t have a television.  I think I can watch the debate online, but my internet connection is kind of iffy, so I might not be up to the challenge of switching back and forth from the debate to my blog.  So, though I hope to participate, I’ll be depending on you.

So, I’ll meet you here tonight.

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