Senate fails to defund Planned Parenthood

Senate fails to defund Planned Parenthood August 4, 2015

Democrats played the filibuster card to stop a Senate bill to defund Planned Parenthood, with Republicans being unable to come up with the 60 votes to stop debate.  The vote was 53-46.   Contrary to what pro-abortion apologists were arguing, the bill would not lead to more abortions by keeping women from getting contraceptives.  The money presently going to Planned Parenthood would be transferred to medical clinics, which would give out contraceptives and health services to women, but not perform abortions.

Now the effort to stop the half a billion fungible tax dollars from going to Planned Parenthood will shift to the budgetary process, as well as to state governments.

You can see how your Senator voted by clicking the link after the jump.

From Steven Ertelt, Democrats Defeat Senate Effort to De-Fund Planned Parenthood After It Sells Aborted Babies |

Senate Democrats today defeated an effort to revoke taxpayer funding for the Planned Parenthood abortion business by filibustering the bill and preventing a vote on it. Republicans were unable to secure the 60 voted needed to invoke cloture and stop debate on the bill, allowing an up or down vote.

The legislation follows four shocking videos that have caught Planned Parenthood doctors discussing and arranging the sale of body parts of aborted babies.

The Senate voted 53-46 on the cloture motion — failing to get the 60 votes needed to stop the Democratic filibuster against the de-funding measure. had the cloture vote been approved and the bill passed, and should the House pass its own bill to de-fund Planned Parenthood, President Barack Obama said he would veto the measure. The vote was an improvement over a 2011 vote that saw the vote on the filibuster fail and technically the Senate is 5 votes away from overcoming a Democratic filibuster. . . .

With the Senate voting against de-funding, attention now turns to attempts to de-fund Planned Parenthood via the budget process. Already, 18 House Republicans have said they will not allow passage of any essential bills to fund the federal government if such bills do not include language de-funding Planned Parenthood.

Attention will also now turn to Congressional and state efforts to investigate Planned Parenthood’s sale of body parts from aborted babies and state-level efforts to de-fund Planned Parenthood further. . . .

Democrats countered that de-funding Planned Parenthood would somehow hurt women’s health, even though the measure would merely redirect federal funds to medical clinics that provide women’s health care but not abortions. . . .

Not only does the bill de-fund Planned Parenthood, it takes the taxpayer dollars that had been slated for the abortion business and sends them to legitimate women’s health care. The bills transfers funding from Planned Parenthood and sends it to agencies that provides for women’s health services including relevant diagnostic laboratory and radiology services, well-child care, prenatal and postpartum care, immunization, family planning services including contraception, sexually transmitted disease testing, cervical and breast cancer screenings, and referrals.

The bill cites state and local health departments, federally backed community health centers and other providers of health services to women who might get the money instead of Planned Parenthood. In fact, there are over 9,000 non-abortion health centers that provide the same or better women’s health care services as Planned Parenthood.

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