Special Planned Parenthood edition

Special Planned Parenthood edition August 1, 2015

Today is a special Saturday edition of the Cranach blog, featuring a wealth of material on the Planned Parenthood scandal.  It’s almost impossible for us to keep up with the story of that organization’s brutality, grisly practices, and coverups.

David Daleiden, The founder of the Center for Medical Progress, the organization that made those surreptitious videos of Planned Parenthood’s fetal tissue trafficking, said that there are nine more damning videos to come.  The fourth one has already been released–see below–leaving 8 to go. Each release seems to give the lie to the organization’s previous attempt at justifying itself, forcing the group to keep changing its story.  Daleiden also addressed criticism from abortion supporters:  No, the embarrassing details are not a function of misleading editing.  The full unedited footage is available on the organization’s website.  There are 300 hours of undercover video.  No, the taping was not illegal.  The group was careful to follow local laws on recording conversations.  Details after the jump.

Mollie Hemingway of the Federalist is covering the scandal thoroughly.  Today’s other posts are links to her stories, which detail not just what’s on the tapes but Planned Parenthood’s pathetic, desperate, and exceedingly weak attempts to defend what it does.

From More Undercover Videos Ready To Drop On Planned Parenthood | The Daily Caller:

David Daleiden, founder of the Center For Medical Progress (CMP), told conservative talk radio host Sean Hannity Tuesday there are nine more sting-operation videos that reveal Planned Parenthood’s operations.

“We have close to 300 hours total of undercover video that was gathered during a 30 month long in depth investigative journalism study of how Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of the babies they abort,” Daleiden said, noting that each highlight video released will have the full footage posted on their website without any edits.

CMP has already released three videos showing Planned Parenthood officials, personnel, and doctors discussing the harvesting of aborted baby parts. Congress proposed legislation Wednesday to defund Planned Parenthood’s abortion activity and moving the money to community health centers and hospitals instead.

Planned Parenthood has hired a Washington D.C. based crisis management firm to deal with the fallout.

When asked by Hannity about criticism on whether local recording laws could harm CMP, Daleiden responded, “Every taping we did during this project was done in full compliance with the local recording laws.”


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