The weakness of the Planned Parenthood defense

The weakness of the Planned Parenthood defense August 1, 2015

The 4 Most Embarrassing Things Cecile Richards Said In Defense Of Planned Parenthood.

"I'll give you this much. Suspicion of bad faith, and actual bad faith, are real ..."

Abortion Supply and Demand
"The Russo-Ukrainian war could have been stopped in 2023. Now that Russia has geared up ..."

Monday Miscellany, 5/6/24
""And if the Russians fire upon our NATO ally, this would trigger Article 5 of ..."

Monday Miscellany, 5/6/24
""Oo! An aer-o-plane. O, I say, we are grahnd, aren't we...""

Monday Miscellany, 5/6/24

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