Checking in from Denmark

Checking in from Denmark September 30, 2015

I have no idea what time it will be in the States when this post goes up, but I have a little time and an internet connection, so I thought I’d check in.  Our trip went very smoothly and we are exploring Denmark before my lecture at the university tomorrow.  Denmark, with the rest of Scandinavia, is considered one of the most secular of countries, but I have been meeting many strong Christians who are a true delight.   I’m learning that the religious picture is more complicated and nuanced than I realized,  that there will always be a remnant in Christ’s church, and that when Christianity is not just the cultural thing to be, those who do bother to go to church take it very seriously.   I’ll report more on these things when I fully digest my experience.   Anyway, we’re having a good time and wish you were here!

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