One of my favorite online newspapers

One of my favorite online newspapers October 6, 2015

That would have to be The Federalist.  One of the minds behind it is Lutheran journalist Mollie Hemingway.  But it’s all good.  I find it to be unfailingly fresh, iconoclastic, penetrating, original, funny, and thought-provoking.

Check out the latest issue.  What did you learn?  What articles would you recommend to the rest of this blog’s readership?  Comment on them.

"So Trump is to the GOP, what ELCA is to Lutheranism? That works for me. ..."

The Revolt of the Center?
"The words "moderate" and "extreme" seem to suggest that we care about the same things, ..."

The Revolt of the Center?
"No...I self-identify as GOP. Just as I am genuinely Lutheran in spite of what the ..."

The Revolt of the Center?
"So you are saying something like: "It depends on what the meaning of the word ..."

The Revolt of the Center?

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