Political news

Political news October 1, 2015

A major online source for political developments is POLITICO.  Check out today’s edition.  What do you find that is interesting, noteworthy, and/or worth discussing?

"This isn't about judgment. Totally glad that's not my job. But I think we do ..."

“Rebrand Evangelicalism” by Bringing Back Denominations
"Careful though...."Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before ..."

“Rebrand Evangelicalism” by Bringing Back Denominations
"I don't know anyone who refers to themselves as an "Evangelical," but I have seen ..."

“Rebrand Evangelicalism” by Bringing Back Denominations
"Acknowledgement of wisdom is great. We do a lot of acknowledging in the West. That's ..."

“Rebrand Evangelicalism” by Bringing Back Denominations

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