Sexual freedom for state control

Sexual freedom for state control October 20, 2015

In a discussion of Playboy Magazine’s new policy of not publishing nude pictures, Mollie Hemingway and colleague Rich Cromwell talk about the magazine’s political liberalism.  She refers to a book that argues that the seemingly opposite ideologies have libertarianism and socialism have come together in a trade-off of sexual freedom in exchange for state control of everything else.From Mollie Hemingway, Sexytime: Playboy’s New Policy Of No Nudes Is Bad News:

William Gairdner’s book “The Great Divide” argues that in modern democracies the goals of ostensible opposites—libertarians and socialists—have been fused together to create a regime that provides maximum freedom on the body and sexual matters in exchange for state control over the political and economic freedoms people used to hold sacred.


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