The Million Student March

The Million Student March November 13, 2015

There was a time when college students would march for civil rights and stage protests against the Vietnam War.  Yesterday, students across the nation walked out of classes to be part of  the Million Student March.  Their demands?  Free tuition.  Cancel all student debt.  Increase the minimum wage for campus jobs.

From Students across U.S. to march over debt, free public college – Yahoo News Canada:

Students were set to walk out of classrooms across the United States on Thursday to protest ballooning student loan debt for higher education and rally for tuition-free public colleges and a minimum wage hike for campus workers. . . .

Events for Thursday’s protests, dubbed the Million Student March, have been planned at colleges and universities from Los Angeles to New York. Thousands of people signed up to attend on Facebook groups, though it remained to be seen how many would ultimately participate.

“Education should be free. The United States is the richest country in the world, yet students have to take on crippling debt in order to get a college education,” the movement’s organizers said in a statement on their website.

Organizers are demanding tuition-free public colleges, a cancellation of all student debt and a $15-an-hour minimum wage for campus workers.


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