Democratic debate tonight

Democratic debate tonight February 11, 2016

The Democratic presidential candidates will clash tonight in a debate hosted by PBS at 9:00 p.m. ET in Milwaukee.  Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton have a lot to talk about.

I’m on the road again and won’t be able to liveblog the proceedings.  Come here to comment on what goes on.

Details after the jump, as well as a link to where you can view the debate online.

From WATCH LIVE: PBS NewsHour Democratic Primary Debate:

Once a formidable front-runner, Hillary Clinton narrowly won Iowa’s caucuses and has watched her national lead over Sen. Bernie Sanders begin to erode. In New Hampshire, a big Sanders victory could help him make headway among women and minority voters, important parts of the coalition that twice elected Barack Obama as president.

It’s with this backdrop that the two will meet for the sixth time on the debate stage, this time in Milwaukee. Watch Gwen Ifill and Judy Woodruff moderate the PBS NewsHour Democratic Primary Debate in partnership with Facebook, 9 p.m. EST Thursday, Feb. 11. NewsHour will be live streaming the event, from the Helen Bader Concert Hall on the main campus of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, in the player above. You can also watch it on your local PBS station.

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