Judge slaps injunction against more Planned Parenthood videos

Judge slaps injunction against more Planned Parenthood videos February 8, 2016

In yet another victory for Planned Parenthood lawyers, a judge granted a preliminary injunction against the Center for Medical Progress, forbidding them to issue any more videos of the abortionist organization discussing fetal tissue trafficking.

From U.S. judge grants injunction against anti-abortion activists | Reuters:

A U.S. judge on Friday granted a preliminary injunction stopping the distribution of surreptitious videos taken by anti-abortion activists who alleged Planned Parenthood staff discussed the illegal sale of aborted fetal tissue.

The National Abortion Federation (NAF), a nonprofit representing abortion providers, accused the Center for Medical Progress and its founder, David Daleiden, in a lawsuit last year of illegally infiltrating and recording its private meetings.

San Francisco federal judge William Orrick last year issued a temporary order prohibiting the distribution of the videos, which he extended on Friday until the litigation is over.

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