Yet another Planned Parenthood video

Yet another Planned Parenthood video February 5, 2016

Even though they have been indicted for their undercover journalism, the folks at the Center for Medical Progress have released another video, this one showing a Planned Parenthood official explaining the accounting tricks they use to hide their organ trafficking.  You can see the video at the link, after the jump, which also outlines the filmmaker’s defense.

From Video Shows Planned Parenthood Executive Sought to Hide Profits from Baby-Parts Sales – Breitbart:

A new video released by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) appears to show how Planned Parenthood uses accounting gimmicks to hide profits created through the sale of body parts of aborted babies.

A financial benefit “is what staff and management need to see,” says an executive at a Planned Parenthood facility in Texas.

The video highlights footage from the April 9, 2015 visit of investigative journalists David Daleiden — director of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) — and CMP employee Sandra Merritt to Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast’s (PPGC) abortion facility in Houston.

“We had two levels of invoicing for them. We had it worded as ‘per consent,’” explains PPGC Director of Research Melissa Farrell. In the video, Farrell states “per consent” is the phrase used in PPGC budgeting in place of “per specimen” for fetal tissue.

Farrell discusses that while a woman may consent to supply her aborted baby’s tissue, the specimen itself may not be useable for experimentation.

“There’s probably some situations where somebody would consent and then just not, we didn’t get a sample, or she changed her mind, or something happened to the specimen,” she says, adding, “Now obviously, we don’t want to end up paying for material that we can’t use,” and suggests that there be a line item fee or “something else that represents the specimens.”

“I just don’t want it to turn into a situation that is not financially beneficial for you,” says Merritt.

“Yeah, yeah. And we’ll, I’ll take you up on that. I’ll take you up on that. I’ll take you up on that,” Farrell repeats, laughing. “We definitely want to do that, because that’s what staff and management need to see.”

PPGC CEO Melaney Linton also appears in the video advising that Farrell will “work on all of that with you” when it comes to “remuneration” and “compensation” for fetal tssue.

Farrell explains to Daleiden and Merritt over lunch that her department – which has overseen the organization’s fetal tissue supply program since 2006 — “contributes so much to the bottom line of our organization here.”

[Keep reading. . .] 

The link also gives the video-makers’ response to their indictment, as well as more context of the shady legal maneuvering of Planned Parenthood with the grand jury.  Here is a statement from Peter Breen of the Thomas More Society, which is defending Daleiden and Merritt:

The charges against David Daleiden are legally and factually baseless. David used standard undercover journalism techniques to catch Planned Parenthood staff agreeing to alter abortion procedures to get more intact organs and tissue from aborted babies, presumably without telling their patients. David also caught Planned Parenthood staff discussing how to adjust accounting line items to conceal profits from baby body part transactions. Planned Parenthood’s lawyers in Houston have now admitted they dreamed up and demanded the charges against David, apparently in order to distract prosecutors and the public from their own bad acts. We intend to seek to have these charges dismissed at the earliest opportunity.

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