Is Ted Cruz a theocrat?

Is Ted Cruz a theocrat? April 13, 2016

Ted Cruz is shaping up to be the main alternative to Donald Trump as the Republican presidential nominee.  No one doubts that he is a thorough, consistent conservative.  He is also a vocal Christian.  But some of what he says makes many Christians, not to mention virtually all secularists, leery.

Some say he is a “dominionist,” a Christian who desires to set up the United States as a theocracy, adopting the Bible, with its Levitical code, as the law of the land.  Or, if he doesn’t go that far, he sounds like a civil religion advocate, seeing America as a Christian country, while reducing Christianity to generic moralism and nation-worship.  Both positions raise severe theological problems.

Are you bothered by any of this?  Do you think Cruz holds either of these positions?  After the jump, a link to a helpful article on the subject.

UPDATE:  A great discussion has broken out over on the World Table tab.  The default, along with the number of comments shown, will be Disqus.  But we may want to go back and forth until the transition is complete.

But Christianity Today has a long article by Robert Gagnon and Edith Humphrey that shows decisively that Cruz is NOT a dominionist.  Rather, he is a Constitutionalist, and that is a big difference.

The article defies excerpting, so go to this link: Stop Calling Ted Cruz a Dominionist | Christianity Today.


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