The artistic freedom of musicians and bakers

The artistic freedom of musicians and bakers April 8, 2016

Liberal musicians have long objected to their work being used by conservative politicians.  And, as the link shows, they usually get their way.  After all, artists should have the freedom not to have their creative work employed in a cause they do not believe in.

So why don’t the culinary artists who make wedding cakes have that same freedom?

Maybe emphasizing religious liberty, in today’s climate, isn’t the way to go. Maybe artistic freedom would go over better, making it illegal to force creators of artistic or performances (which would surely include pastors performing religious ceremonies) to offer them in situations that would violate their beliefs.  (This would let bakers and photographers have the same freedom the musicians do.)

Or maybe emphasizing political liberty would work.  It would be illegal to discriminate against anyone on the basis of their race, color, creed, gender, sexual identity, or political beliefs.  (This would prevent the liberal musicians from discriminating against conservative politicians.  Purveyors of wedding services would have to make them available to everyone, but it might force universities to work for intellectual diversity.)

HT:  my wife Jackie, who saw the connection between musicians and bakers

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