So what about the Constitution Party?

So what about the Constitution Party? May 20, 2016

There is already a conservative third party:  The Constitution Party.  According to their website, they are on the ballot in 18 states, and are at various stages of approval for more.  They have a presidential ticket:  Darrell Castle and Scott Bradley.  I’m not familiar with either of these gentlemen, but they might be better than the offerings of the major parties.

I have heard the party, which used to be called the Taxpayers’ Party,  described as Christian Dominionist, but that could hardly be the case, since Mr. Bradley appears to be a Mormon.  It seems to be paleoconservative, distrusting foreign wars and big corporations and holding to a protectionist use of tariffs.  It is strongly pro-life, with no exceptions.

See Constitution Party FAQ’s | The Constitution Party

Can anyone make a case for this party?

Can anyone make a case against this party?

Can the Constitution Party candidates win the presidency?  Surely not, with such a small ballot presence.  But if the issue is casting a vote that would not violate your conscience–for example, these candidates are 100% pro-life–should voting Constitution be a valid option (if they are on your state ballot)?



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