“A Christian and a Feminist Almost Agree on Stuff”

“A Christian and a Feminist Almost Agree on Stuff” July 30, 2016

From Hans Fiene of Lutheran Satire.  (HT:  Kerner):

"Another unprincipled political entertainer riding on the coattails of an even more unprincipled political entertainer.Vance ..."

DISCUSS: Our Approach to Foreign Policy
"Vance wants to return to a pre-WW1 and WW2 era where certain nations give into ..."

DISCUSS: Our Approach to Foreign Policy
"I'll tell you who will be the most excited to hear and promote Vance's (Trumpian) ..."

DISCUSS: Our Approach to Foreign Policy
"In the list of countries arranged by rate of growth, numbers 3 and 4 should ..."

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