“A Christian and a Feminist Almost Agree on Stuff”

“A Christian and a Feminist Almost Agree on Stuff” July 30, 2016

From Hans Fiene of Lutheran Satire.  (HT:  Kerner):

"Related somewhat to foreign policy (and perhaps an indication that I am growing old) is ..."

DISCUSS: Our Approach to Foreign Policy
"The simple fact is that wealth is dangerous to our spiritual health and sanity. Consider ..."

Where Christianity Is Growing the Most
"Another unprincipled political entertainer riding on the coattails of an even more unprincipled political entertainer.Vance ..."

DISCUSS: Our Approach to Foreign Policy
"Vance wants to return to a pre-WW1 and WW2 era where certain nations give into ..."

DISCUSS: Our Approach to Foreign Policy

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