Hillary’s speech

Hillary’s speech July 30, 2016

In her acceptance speech, Hillary Clinton sounded a theme of bringing people together–even Republicans–in contrast to the divisiveness of Donald Trump.  She contrasted Ronald Reagan’s “morning in America” optimism with Trump’s “midnight in America” gloom.

Here is an annotated transcript of her speech.  Here is a fact-check.  Read a news story about what she said excerpted and linked after the jump.

So what did you think of her speech?  Are any of you disaffected Republicans (several of whom spoke at the Democratic convention) now thinking about setting aside your misgivings and voting for her?

From Chris Casteel, Clinton promises to heal divisions, says Trump took GOP to ‘midnight in America’ | News OK:

Hillary Clinton, accepting the Democratic nomination in her historic quest for the White House, attacked GOP opponent Donald Trump here Thursday as unfit for the presidency and promised to heal divisions in the country.

“I will be a president for Democrats, Republicans, independents, the struggling, the striving, the successful, for all those who for vote me and those who don’t,” she told cheering delegates at the Democratic National Convention.

“For all Americans together.”

Clinton, 68, a former U.S. senator, secretary of state and first lady, marked the significance of becoming the first female presidential nominee of a major political party.

[Keep reading. . .] 

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