Chance for free books

Chance for free books August 23, 2016

Are you familiar with GoodReads, a popular site for following authors, seeing what your friends are reading, and getting ideas for books that you might like?  The site has a giveaway feature, with which you can sign up for a “drawing” that can give you free books. For the month of August, my daughter’s book, Blessed: God’s Gift of Love, co-written with Christopher Mitchell, has three copies available as giveaways.  (Go here for my review of that book.)

In September, our book, Family Vocations will be available.  I’ll give you a link when the giveaway is set up.  In the meantime, take a shot at Mary’s book.  The contest is linked after the jump.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Blessed by Christopher Mitchell


by Christopher Mitchell

Giveaway ends August 31, 2016.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway

"I agree that our focus should be on living exemplary lives ourselves instead of trying ..."

The Vocation Option
"The threat to religious liberty remains and has indeed expanded Wait a minute, what are ..."

The Vocation Option
"This is one of those times when I think we do not really disagree about ..."

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"1 Corinthians 12 lists many spiritual gifts associated with the one Body. Surely what you ..."

The Vocation Option

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