Gaffigans end their TV show for a more important project

Gaffigans end their TV show for a more important project August 29, 2016

A few nights ago, we watched comedian Jim Gaffigan’s routine “Obsessed.”  We laughed so hard we were in pain.  He and his wife and writer Jeannie just announced that they were going to end their successful TV series, “The Jim Gaffigan Show.”  They said that it was taking too much time away from their “most important project”; namely, raising their 5 children.

From Nancy Flory, Gaffigans End The Jim Gaffigan Show, Say They’ll Focus on Most Important Project — Their Kids | The Stream:

Comedians Jim and Jeannie Gaffigan announced on Monday they are ending The Jim Gaffigan Show after two seasons. On his Facebook page, Jim Gaffigan explained that he and his wife felt the show took too much time away from their “most important project” — their five children. . . .

The couple has expressed their faith publicly numerous times, most recently at The Catholic University of America’s 2016 Commencement. During their commencement speech, Jeannie and Jim discussed what it was that made them successful.

“Neither of us could’ve had these accomplishments by ourselves,” said Jim. Jeannie added, “We needed each other, we needed our family, we needed our friends and we needed God.”

[Keep reading. . .] 

HT:  Paul McCain


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