My vocation trilogy

My vocation trilogy September 5, 2016

I have written three books on vocation.  I just realized that this constitutes a trilogy.  They aren’t The Lord of the Rings, but they are connected  and build into a whole.

(1)  God at Work:  Your Christian Vocation in All of Life.  This sets forth the doctrine of vocation.

(2)  Family Vocation:  Your Christian Callings in Marriage, Parenthood, and Childhood.  Written with my daughter Mary Moerbe, this book explores in depth the various vocations within the family, showing too how the teachings about God’s presence in vocation and loving and serving the neighbor can help solve the problems in family life.  It also delves into other aspects of vocation that I came to after writing God at Work, including cross-bearing, self-sacrifice, and self-denial in vocation.

(3)  Working for Your Neighbor:  A Lutheran Primer on Vocation, Economics, and Ordinary Life.  This book is about the relationship between vocation and economics.  More than that, it explores the social dimension of economics, going into the history of the concept and its cultural impact.  Again, it also includes new insights that I have discovered in researching this rich, rich teaching, drawing on a range of other theologians and writers who have written thoughtfully about the concept.  I also go into more detail about the relationship between vocation and justification.



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