How Hillary treats her underlings (including those who protect her)

How Hillary treats her underlings (including those who protect her) October 25, 2016

You can tell a lot about a man, according to an old saying, by the way he treats his servants.  Hillary Clinton has the reputation of often being vicious to those who serve her.  And she is often downright abusive to the officers who have sworn to give their lives to protect hers.

So says Deroy Murdock in the (anti-Trump) National Review, giving examples and quotations from numerous sources.

From Deroy Murdock,  Hillary Clinton’s Security Detail Curses & Foul Mouth | National Review:

Hillary Clinton’s “treatment of DS [Department of State] agents on her protective detail was so contemptuous that many of them sought reassignment or employment elsewhere,” according to a just-released summary of an FBI interview with a former State Department official. “Prior to CLINTON’s tenure, being an agent on the Secretary of State’s protective detail was seen as an honor and privilege reserved for senior agents. However, by the end of CLINTON’s tenure, it was staffed largely with new agents because it was difficult to find senior agents willing to work for her.”

Clinton’s State Department agents are hardly the first to complain about her bullying.

“She derives pleasure from lording over other people who cannot do anything about it and who are less powerful than she is,” author Ronald Kessler told Newsmax TV’s J. D. Hayworth.

In fact, Clinton’s well-documented history of profane, unhinged outbursts against those who work for her spans decades.

While Clinton’s vulgarity is presented here in relatively family-friendly form, fill in the blanks and imagine the pain that this woman inflicted when she uttered these words.

[Keep reading. . .CAUTION: BAD LANGUAGE]

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