Top 10 Google searches of 2016

Top 10 Google searches of 2016 December 19, 2016

cyborg-438398_640The internet contains unfathomable amounts of information.  Search engines allow us to find anything we want to know, giving us access to knowledge on an unprecedented scale, thus advancing the capabilities of the human mind.

When we can fully connect our minds to the internet, we can attain the next level of human evolution.

So see what the year’s top searches on Google were.

  1. Pokémon Go
  2. iPhone 7
  3. Donald Trump
  4. Prince
  5. Powerball
  6. David Bowie
  7. Deadpool
  8. Olympics
  10. Suicide Squad
 For the top searches in various categories (movies, sports, politics, etc.), go to ‪‪Google’s Year in Search‬‬.
Image by Stevebidmead, Cyborg, Pixabay: Creative Commons, public domain.
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