Moving day at the White House

Moving day at the White House January 20, 2017

512px-White_House_WashingtonThe White House staff has five hours to move out the former president and his family, with all of their furniture and belongings and preferred decor, and to move in the new residents.

The logistics of this tightly choreographed operation are rather amazing.  Professional movers can haul the furniture to the door, but they can’t go inside, so carrying it all and staging it perfectly is a job for White House staffers.

So a salute to the 90 “blue collar” members of the White House Staff as they carry out their vocations!

After the jump, a step-by-step description of how they pull off this operation.

From Bonnie Berkowitz, Here’s how President Obama’s home will transform into President Trump’s in just 5 hours – Washington Post:

The most frenzied American ritual you’ve never seen is called the “transfer of families,” a five-hour tsunami of activity that transforms President Obama’s home into President Trump’s.

“I call it organized chaos,” said Gary Walters, who choreographed several transfers of families in his 21 years as the White House chief usher.

“It’s energizing,” said Ann Stock, who saw the transfer up close as the Clintons’ social secretary, “but absolutely exhausting.”

Here’s what happens on Inauguration Day before and during those five hectic hours.

[Keep reading. . .] 

By Cezary p (Own work) [GFDL ( or CC BY-SA 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

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