Survey finds 2 million non-citizens illegally registered to vote

Survey finds 2 million non-citizens illegally registered to vote February 17, 2017

8179175517_59499213ce_zA 2013 survey of Hispanics in America found that of the 56% who were here illegally, 13% said they were registered to vote.  If that percentage holds today, that would mean that as many as to 2 million Hispanic non-citizens are on the voting rolls.

The survey did not ask how many actually voted, though for non-citizens registering itself is illegal.  The findings are a mathematical extrapolation, though this is common in this kind of research.

These findings would support the findings of a much-disputed Old Dominion study that concluded that over a million non-citizens voted illegally in the last election.  It also gives credence to President Trump’s claim of widespread voter fraud.

The numbers are significant, though not enough to give Trump the popular vote.  But they refute the claim constantly being made by Democrats, the media, and fact-checkers that there is “no” evidence of illegal voting.

From Rowan Scarborough, Nearly 2 million non-citizen Hispanics illegally registered to vote – Washington Times:

A large number of non-citizen Hispanics, as many as 2 million, were illegally registered to vote in the U.S., according to a nationwide poll.

The National Hispanic Survey provides additional evidence for use by anti-voter fraud conservatives and bolsters an analysis by professors at Old Dominion University who say non-citizens registered and voted in potentially large numbers. . . .

The little-noticed Hispanic survey was conducted in June 2013 by McLaughlin and Associates to gauge the opinions of U.S. resident Latinos on a wide range of issues.

Inside the poll is a page devoted to voter profiles. Of the randomly selected sample of 800 Hispanics, 56 percent, or 448, said they were non-citizens, and of those, 13 percent said they were registered to vote. The 448 would presumedly be a mix of illegal immigrants and noncitizens who are in the U.S. legally, such as visa holders or permanent residents.

A 1996 federal law, and other statues, makes it a felony for non-citizens to register. The poll did not asked if they voted.

But James Agresti, who directs the research nonprofit “Just Facts,” applied the 13 percent figure to 2013 U.S. Census numbers for non-citizen Hispanic adults. In 2013, the Census reported that 11.8 million non-citizen Hispanic adults lived here, which would amount to 1.5 million illegally registered Latinos.

Accounting for the margin of error based on the sample size of non-citizens, Mr. Agresti calculated that the number of illegally registered Hispanics could range from 1.0 million to 2.1 million.

“Contrary to the claims of many media outlets and so-called fact-checkers, this nationally representative scientific poll confirms that a sizable number of non-citizens in the U.S. are registered to vote,” Mr. Agresti said.

[Keep reading. . .] 


Photo:  Sarachicad, Flickr, Creative Commons License

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