Blogging Again, From a New Hemisphere

Blogging Again, From a New Hemisphere October 15, 2014


As I suspected it might be, posting has been pretty infrequent over the last few months. There are several reasons for that, but first and foremost: we’ve moved to South Africa! The picture above is the view from one of our bedroom windows. (It makes our place look a little more stereotypically “African” than it actually is: we brought the well with us from Canada, the lawn is dirt because the landscaping was redone before we arrived and the grass hasn’t been replaced yet, and the big bags of cornmeal are actually big bags of concrete from installing the new patio.) For more on our big move and how we’re settling in, see our family blog. We’re living in Westville, a suburb of Durban on the east coast of South Africa, and I’ve taken a position as associate pastor at New Church Westville and Kainon School. I love the work here: ministering to a thriving congregation and teaching in a bustling, happy school. It doesn’t leave a lot of time for blogging, but I’m going to try to carve out time in my schedule to make it happen. One thing I hope to do on here is to start a series of posts called “Cut from the Sermon” (alternative title, suggested by Anne: “Left on the Vestry Floor”), where I post snippets or thoughts that I wanted to include in my sermon, but which had to be cut for time and relevance (believe me, I’m never going to run out of these). Look for the first instalment soon!

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