4 Myths about Pope Benedict XVI

4 Myths about Pope Benedict XVI April 19, 2016

Le-due-vite-di-Benedetto-XVI-copertina-Book-CoverI think that Pope Benedict XVI has often been misunderstood and it seems to me appropriate to dispel some of the myths that surround him.

1) Pope Benedict has been a lefebvrian. This is the easiest myth to debunk: he attempted reconciliation with lefebvrians that currently has not been fully successful. If the Pope needs to speak with everyone, because suddenly becomes a lefebvrian if he has attempted to solve a problem that has dragged on for decades?

2) Pope Benedict has tried to return to the pre-conciliar liturgy. This is not really accurate: he has granted a wider use of the Tridentine Mass without ever thinking that it would be returned as the ordinary rite of the Church. With his gestures he has certainly drawn attention to the dignity of the liturgy, as it was and it is right.

3) Pope Benedict has been a Pope who had no regard for the dignity of those who do not fully live the Catholic doctrine. This too is a myth built by certain press driven by some powerful lobbyists. The Pope defends and guards the deposit of faith, and has to do it without discounts. But only those who have not known Pope Benedict well, can doubt his humility, compassion and kindness.

4) Pope Benedict resigned due to illness. The fact that he is still alive and well, is enough to disprove this myth. As I think it’s simple enough to understand, Pope Benedict has left for reasons of age and tiredness; he was no longer able to control the chaos that was spinning around and to curb clerical lobbyists that pulled him to one side or another.

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