“Skinny repeal was dumb to start with.” Discuss.

“Skinny repeal was dumb to start with.” Discuss. July 28, 2017

https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3ADoctor_examines_patient_(1).jpg; By Unknown photographer [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Last night, the Senate rejected the so-called “skinny repeal,” in which all provisions of Obamacare would stay unchanged except the individual and employer mandate, and the medical device tax.

Look, I’m on vacation, and have been very determined to ignore this whole thing for the time being, but my husband stayed up late to watch the vote.

This was stupid.

I don’t hold this against Trump, because I never expected much of him.  But the Senate leadership?

You cannot have a law requiring insurers to provide insurance to people with pre-existing conditions with the same pricing and availability as everyone else, without some further provision intended to ensure that people don’t game the system.  And, no, the limitations on open enrollment aren’t enough.  If you want to eliminate the mandates that are intended to fulfill this purpose, you need something else.  Yes, for some people, the subsidies alone will be enough to ensure that they enroll, but the subsidies as they stand aren’t generous enough to fill this purpose for enough people.

Again, I never expected that Trump would “fix Obamacare.”  But I am genuinely disappointed that Congress can’t get its act together.

Now, back to vacation . . .


Image:  https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3ADoctor_examines_patient_(1).jpg; By Unknown photographer [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

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