
Spring??? March 21, 2010

There are some Pagans who say our rituals and observances don’t just celebrate the seasons, they help turn the Wheel of the Year. If that’s true, some of us need to be pushing a little harder because it just went into reverse!

This is the first full day of Spring. In Texas. In DFW, where we average 2.6 inches of snow per YEAR. Where we had 12 inches in one day in February. And now there’s another 5½ inches overnight.

It was 70 on Friday. It’s supposed to be 70 again on Tuesday. In the middle, we get this.

We had to move last night’s Celebration of Spring indoors, but we had a nice turnout. Vocal Magic did three songs, including “Spirit of Albion” which helped charge our Wishing Well ritual. I’ll post a picture or two once I get them from Bonnie.

Here’s Damh the Bard doing his original version of “Spirit of Albion.”

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