Magic At Work

Magic At Work September 20, 2009

David Sparks of Temple Spiritualis Compassare, Little Elm; Mike Joffrion of The Sacred Fire Temple, Fort Worth; John Beckett of Denton CUUPS

Pickin’ up rocks in the hot sun, I fought Nature and… well, Nature’s always going to win in the long run, but if we can tame this little corner for a generation or two, we’ll have something nice.

Magic works in odd ways. Two weeks ago, we performed a ritual to help build the Pagan community. Today, representatives of three local Pagan groups came together to work on Summerlands, the stone circle and park James Stevens is building on his land near Decatur. The paid workers who built the retaining walls did a so-so job, and the recent heavy rains have washed out much of it. We were picking up rocks and shoring up the walls, plus getting the rocks out of the field so it can be mowed without damaging the tractor.

And we were getting to know each other and discussing plans for future projects.

It took the Celts about a thousand years to build Stonehenge into what it is today. This is a much more modest project, but it still won’t be finished in a weekend. But with more help from loving hands, it will become a beautiful site for rituals and gatherings, just as James has envisioned.

If you’re interested in participating in the work and the use of this site, sign up for the Summerland of Texas Yahoo Group.

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