Ghost Story

Ghost Story February 1, 2010

I had a phone call from David in Tennessee tonight. David and I became good friends in 11th grade and have remained close ever since. What you need to know about David for this story is that while he’s nominally a Methodist, he’s more “spiritual but not religious”… except he’s not very spiritual.

But for someone who isn’t spiritual, he seems to attract a lot of spirits. One of his encounters became a turning point for me, in 2001 when I finally decided to get serious about my own spirituality.

David called me about two weeks ago with a problem at his new job, in a hospital. Something keeps rearranging the shelves in his storage area – his co-workers insisted it’s a ghost. We talked about it for a bit, and I heard enough to know I couldn’t do a thing from 700 miles away, and probably couldn’t do much if I was there. I’ve done a bit of cleansing and warding, but only in houses – where a few people live mostly normal lives, not in a hospital where all kinds of people bring all kinds of energies and lots of people die. I suggested he talk to his co-workers and see if there was something they were wanting to do – if nothing else it could make them more relaxed about the environment.

I talked to David again tonight. He’s seen a couple more “things” in several more places in the hospital – and apparently so have a lot of other people. But he said “they’re not hurting me, so I’m not going to worry about them.”

I think that may be why he sees so much of this stuff and I don’t – I can’t seem to make myself stop studying and analyzing and hypothesizing, while David just accepts it and moves on.

Much left for me to learn…

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