If You’ve Ever Said Any of These Six Things, You Might be a Racist

If You’ve Ever Said Any of These Six Things, You Might be a Racist March 20, 2008

“Why don’t blacks just get over it already, and quit being so sensitive? Nobody who’s alive today had anything to do with slavery. When are African-Americans going to stop living in the past, and start taking care of the present?”

“If making it as a black person in America is so hard, how do you explain people like Colin Powell, Clarence Thomas, and Barack Obama?”

“All kinds of foreigners, of every color, come to this country and make it. Why do so many blacks fail, when so many Asians succeed?”

“God forbid we should ever do or say anything that’s not ‘politically correct.'”

“When I look at a person, I don’t see the color of their skin: I just see a person. Why do we have to be so hung up on color all the time?”

“What about reverse discrimination against white people?”


Related post: yesterday’s “If My Wife Were the NAACP, and I The Tea Party.

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