Not at Peace?

Not at Peace? October 26, 2012

It’s hard to resist sharing a little from Magnificat some days. Did you read this yet?

Ah, children, when a man feels himself dull, hard, and slow, being oppressed by nature; when peace is gone; when he is become quite helpless; then let him detach his soul’s affections from everything, yield himself up entirely to God, suffer these trials and all other evils patiently, and he will have obtained real poverty of spirit; and then the Holy Spirit will soon fill the empty void. Into such a soul he pours all his riches, overflowing with his presence the whole man both inward and outward, enriching the highest faculties and the lowest. In this the man’s own part is to allow himself to be prepared by the Holy Spirit, and to make room for him as he begins his divine work. Few men do this… There is a widespread state of delusion and selfhood in such matters. This is owing to our acting in self-chosen ways, full of self-assurance. Nobody seems willing to yield simply up to the Holy Spirit’s action; everybody must have his own plan of spiritual life—such is the rule in our perilous times. Let your only rule be to allow the Holy Spirit unhindered liberty in your soul. He will thereupon so possess you with his divine influence, that even in your outward conduct every word and work shall be according to his will—all in due order and quiet.

— Father John Tauler, O.P. (14th century German Dominican)

Let your only rule be to allow the Holy Spirit unhindered liberty in your soul.

That’s how we find peace.

I can’t share Magnificat everyday or I’d start owing reprint fees, so do think about subscribing. The only magazine besides National Review I’ll do solicitations for (here, by the way)!!

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