Opposed to the HHS Mandate? Here’s What to Do….

Opposed to the HHS Mandate? Here’s What to Do…. February 21, 2012

So many Americans, from all faith backgrounds and all walks of life, are opposed to the Obama Administration’s decision to force Catholic organizations to provide sterilization, contraception and abortifacient drugs in their health care plans.

This affront to religious liberty has been in the headlines and on the news—particularly in the Catholic world—every day, as we seek to influence our legislators to reject this assault on the First Amendment and on the Church. 

Now Ave Maria Radio has established StopHHS.com, a clearinghouse where you can find reporting, commentary, statements, legislation, video and audio messages, interviews and press releases on a single comprehensive website.  Al Kresta, head of Ave Maria Radio and host of the nationally syndicated “Kresta in the Afternoon,” writes:

“…We will petition the Obama Administration through the voice of the people to reverse course and respect the consciences of Christians of all stripes as he promised to do in his Commencement Address at Notre Dame in 2009. We will urge support for all legislation that would force the Obama Administration to rescind their decision and would protect the Church from further government intrusion.  And we will engage the media in an effort to provide accurate information to the American people on the issue of conscience protection.”

Go to the website, learn more about the HHS Mandate, and sign the petition Today, the number of signatures will probably reach 60,000—but your voice is needed to persuade our legislators to defend the Constitution, and to reverse this dangerous federal insertion into the lives and the faith of American citizens.

Really, go do it.  Sign the petition.

May God bless the United States of America. 

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