Trump Will Go Thump!

Trump Will Go Thump! October 8, 2015

I have posted a few times about New York City billionaire, real estate mogul, and now television celebrity Donald Trump concerning his campaigning to become the Republican nominee for president of the U.S. in the presidential election in late 2016. I generally stay clear of commenting on politics. My main reason for having this blog is to testify about my faith in God and my Lord Jesus Christ and to give reasons for it. I think getting into politics oftentimes spoils Christian testimony.

Jesus seems to have not been much into politics. But his cousin, John the Baptist, once publicly rebuked the tetrarch Herod Antipas concerning his wife Herodias, who was his brother Philip’s wife, saying, “It is not lawful for you to have her” (Matthew 14.4). Herod thereupon had John arrested, and John lost his head over the matter. I think John rebuked Herod for this not only to convict him but because in doing this Herod was a poor model for a governing official of the nation of Israel.

That’s what I think Donald Trump would be as the president of the USA–a poor model for its people. Yes, the positive that can be said about him is that he has been a very successful businessman, and he brings topics to the political table that need to be discussed, which some politicians will not touch with a ten foot pole. But on the negative side, Mr. Trump is so bombastic, arrogant, and full of braggadocio that I think as the U.S. president he would become a laughingstock to the outside world and a poor negotiator with foreign countries. Donald Trump is entertaining, I’ll give him that, but he is not presidential material. Now, Glenn Beck thinks so too.

Glenn Beck is a television and political commentator on TV and radio who is also a ultra-conservative Republican and an advocate of the Tea Party among Republicans. He is much farther right on politics than I am. Now, Donald Trump is trying to appeal especially to the conservative base of the Republican party. Early during Trump’s campaign, Beck interviewed Trump on his TV program. But Beck has now turned against The Donald. Mr. Beck recently said of Mr. Trump, “I think he’s a schoolyard bully who does not reflect any of the values and principles that I see from Americans on both sides. He’s not a Tea Party guy.” Well said Glenn Beck.

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