Black Trump exec speaks out about the way the Trump family treats her… without asking Donald for permission

Black Trump exec speaks out about the way the Trump family treats her… without asking Donald for permission May 11, 2016

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Have you noticed that every single Republican presidential candidate is painted as a racist — and they almost never strike back to defend themselves?

Remember when they called Mitt Romney racist, only to find out he has a black grandson?  Then, the liberals made fun of him because they don’t think white people should have black family members?  (Remind me — Who’s REALLY racist again?)

Well, they’re at it again — this time with Donald Trump.

Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke (who’s a black Democrat) excoriated Hillary Clinton for suggesting Republicans are racist.  He said:

“This is a party, the Democrat Party, that stood in the way of the Civil Rights Act in 1964, that stood in the way of Lincoln trying to free the slaves, that embraced and endorsed and voted for Sen. Robert Byrd, a former klansman . They welcomed him into the party as they did George Wallace, who stood in the schoolhouse door and said, ‘Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.’”

Yes.  Americans are sick of it.  First, the racism accusation is almost never true.  Second, because such casual accusations of racism denigrate ACTUAL victims of racism.

That’s why I’m sharing this powerful video made by a Trump exec, Lynn Patton, on how the Trump family has treated her throughout her time being employed by them.  (By the way, she didn’t ask them for permission before making this video.)

The racism charge is so frequent, it’s lost its power.

Take note, Liberals.  It’s time to make another play.

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