Prefer your partner have a certain, um, anatomy? Activist says ‘genital preference’ is transphobic

Prefer your partner have a certain, um, anatomy? Activist says ‘genital preference’ is transphobic April 28, 2017

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According to trans-activist Riley J. Dennis, if you have a preference as to which kind of genitalia you would like your significant other to have, you’re transphobic. I’ll let that sink in for a moment.

I’ll let Dennis explain it: “[People] might argue that being attracted to women without vaginas in no way negatively affects trans people, but on the other hand I would argue it’s more complicated than that. We all have our implicit biases built into our preferences and gender isn’t as simple as just the genitals you have.”

There’s nothing simple about those mental gymnastics, either, or the word Dennis had to make up for this malady: “cissexism,” which he defines as “prejudice or discrimination against trans people.” They already had a word for that (transphobia), but when you’re as confused as Democrats, you can’t have enough words to describe that.

Of course, conservatives find this to be lunacy…  and so do Democrats. He said he has gotten some pushback from lesbians who have said he is engaging in “lesbian erasure” with his cissexism argument. But he assures them that he isn’t against any lesbian who prefers vagina, it’s just that not all women have vaginas, so if a lesbian is turned off by a woman with a penis (?) then that means they’re cissexist and somebody just kill me now.

Any more of this craziness and President Trump will serve four terms. You can’t make this stuff up. Just go ahead and put me down for a cissexist. I confess.

Hey, I should make tee shirts that say this:

“I’m a cisgendered transphobe with a genital preference…what’s your pronoun?”

H/T TruthRevolt

Photo Credit: City Rover Media at Flickr

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