Oklahoma Middle School Kids Given Worksheet on Anal Sex and Masturbation

Oklahoma Middle School Kids Given Worksheet on Anal Sex and Masturbation October 23, 2017

Well, this is not what I learned in middle school:

Apparently, Jay Middle School in Jay, Oklahoma had a sex education class that was — as one parent described it — “comprehensive.”  According to The Blaze, “parent Mandy Callihan posted on Facebook that her 12-year-old daughter came to her in tears earlier this month after she was too embarrassed to complete her sex education assignment. Callihan said she understood why as soon as she read the worksheet.”  In her social media post, the homework assignment described various ways to have sex: masturbating by alone, mutual masturbation with partners, oral sex, and anal sex.

I would say that — yes — that would qualify as “embarrassing” (and not just for middle schoolers.)  In today’s public school world, you can’t separate genders — which would discriminate against “transgender” students — but you can teach 12 year olds about anal sex.  Really?

Oh yeah… I should also note that this sex education happened without any parental permission required.  Because it’s up to Big Brother to know if your kid needs to know about anal sex and “mutual masturbation” and when.  

Everyone agree?  No, not the parents of these unsuspecting children:  According to The Blaze:

“I was appalled at what someone in our school system had deemed appropriate to talk to my child about. My TWELVE year old child (who still colors in coloring books). In a room where boys and girls are combined. With male instructors (or female, depending on the time of day, I guess) who are not teachers (or Nurses) in our school system,” Callihan wrote, infuriated that she was not made aware of the school’s plans to teach the students about masturbation and sex.

“They most certainly did NOT say, ‘Hey moms and dads we’re gonna be teaching your very young sons and daughters about masturbating by themselves (and mutual masturbation with partners), spend some time talking about oral sex, and anal sex,’” she said.

Who else isn’t shocked that the government really botched this topic?

Hat Tip: The Blaze

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