7 Ways Google Promotes a Culture of Rabid Intolerance towards Conservatives

7 Ways Google Promotes a Culture of Rabid Intolerance towards Conservatives January 15, 2018


Former Google employee James Damore is the company’s worst nightmare:a whistle blower that seems to relish in explaining to the world what a toxic, intolerant environment the supposedly oh-so-tolerant company is.  You might remember Damore wrote a long, revealing memo noting that “disproportionate male representation in tech fields may be more the result of individual choice and innate differences between men and women than of invidious discrimination.”

Google wasn’t happy at that suggestion.  Instead of dealing with his ideas — and perhaps arguing against them — they simply lowered the boom and fired him. This is ironic, since Damore’s main complaint is that Google is intolerant of dissenting ideas, but apparently that irony was lost on them.  Now, he’s filed a class-action lawsuit against his former employer, alleging systematic race, gender, and political bias against white, male, and conservative employees.

Constitutional attorney David French looked through his extraordinary 181-page complaint, and reports that it is a “comprehensive argument that Google’s corporate culture encourages, sanctions, and facilitates an extraordinary amount of abuse against conservative white males. And he has the receipts. Much of the complaint consists of screen shots of internal Google communications and postings on internal Google message boards that would constitute strong evidence of hostile-environment race-and-gender harassment if the the races and genders were reversed.”

Like what?  In page after page of lunacy, Damore cites examples of things that happen at the company:

1. employees blacklist conservatives (blocking them from in-house communications)

2. boo white-male hires

3. openly discuss committing acts of violence against political opponents.

4. discuss a “moratorium on hiring white cis heterosexual abled men who aren’t abuse survivors.”

5. advertise a workshop on “healing from toxic whiteness”

6. mock “white fragility”

7.  actively attack conservative employees, encourage punitive actions against dissenters, and even award “peer bonuses” for speech attacking conservatives.

French writes:

It’s important to remember that Damore’s complaint represents his side of the story, and Google has yet to file a response, but the screenshots and images present a compelling prima facie case of racial and gender bias that would be intolerable and illegal in the vast majority of American jurisdictions, including under federal law. It’s important to remember that American civil-rights law is generally color-blind. In other words, it protects white employees every bit as much as it protects black employees, and conduct that would be unlawful if applied to African Americans or women is also unlawful if applied to whites or males.

While I’m glad that Damore is filing this lawsuit, is anyone else worried that Google controls such a large amount of our information?

Also, there’s something else that is quite disturbing.

I write a great deal about how colleges coddle students by teaching students that they have a right not to be offended, not to suffer “microaggressions.”   Many times, I say that this is a disservice to students, who will one day have to enter the “real world.”  But, as French writes, “Sometimes social-justice warriors change the real world, and when they make it ‘Googley,’ they often make it more intolerant and ignorant than the campuses they left behind.”

That’s a sobering thought, in deed.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Hat Tip: National Review


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